the GloriaFood mult-restaurant ordering system
by Andreea Dobrila

We are pleased to let everybody know that our online ordering system now supports multi-location restaurants. This means that multiple restaurants can be created and managed under the same umbrella, with the main benefit of sharing the menu and promotions. In this post, we’ll cover more about our multi-restaurant ordering system.

Why use the GloriaFood multi-restaurant ordering system?

Any restaurant account can be switched to be part of a chain. Under the hood, we create a “parent” account representing your brand, that groups all your locations together. Interface wise, the parent account is this dashboard:

Multi-Location restaurant dashboard

The idea is simple: location specifics (like address, opening hours, delivery service, etc) are managed by accessing each location, in the restaurant interface you know today. Common settings (like menu and promotions) are handled at the chain level, from this parent account.

Does your restaurant have more than one location? Use our multi-location feature to manage all of your locations.

Menu management

So here’s how we solved the menu sharing among locations.

In the dashboard, there is a section called Menus. Here you can edit your “master” menu and assign it to all your locations. This way, when you make – let’s say – a price change, you make it once and have it automatically propagated to all restaurant locations.

menu sharing in multi-location restaurants

In case not all locations can function with one menu, you can simply create multiple versions by duplicating an existing one or starting from scratch. You can create as many menus as you like and you can assign the locations to the menus as needed.

Watch the tutorial below to learn how to set up the menu for your multi-location restaurant with GloriaFood.

Consent needed


Since the menus are being managed at chain-level, so are the promotions.
promotions management for restaurants with multiple locations

For each online menu, you can create one or several promotions. You have full flexibility in establishing which location uses which promotions, meaning that you can have:

  • unified menu and promotions across all locations or
  • different promotions for each location or
  • anything in between.

Related: Restaurant promotion ideas you can try today

Branded mobile app

The branded mobile app has been improved to work “in chain-mode” as well. All the locations get listed under the same app, allowing your customer to choose the location to order from.

See how it works in our demo app, Pronto Chain:

demo branded mobile app for chains - available on app store

Related: Branded Mobile Apps for Restaurants

Sales optimized website

Last, but not least…

Depending on how interconnected your locations are, there are at least two ways you can approach the online presence.

One website for each location. This is something you can accomplish today with our online ordering system. You can generate a sales optimized website from the admin panel of each location. Tip: make sure you pick a meaningful domain name for each location, like restaurantname-neighborhoodname or restaurantname-city (if operating in different cities).

One website for all locations. We are currently working on offering also a “headquarter-website” that lists all the locations in one place. Just know that it’s coming, we will drop you a line once the feature becomes available.

photo of GloriaFood blog writer Andreea Dobrila
Andreea Dobrila

Andreea Dobrila is a proven web copywriter & marketing strategist. She pushes online restaurants on the fast-track to quickly growing their online sales. Win more business by using her bulletproof tips & secrets.

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**Food Descriptions That Make You Hungry: Hypnotic Menu Writing Tips & Secrets**