mr sushi success story
by Laura-Andreea Voicu

Mr Sushi is a Japanese cuisine & Sushi Bar located in the Pit Stop in Ashmore QLD, Australia. They are known for the “best sushi on the Gold Coast” (as customers described it in their online reviews), always prepared with fresh ingredients and a respect for authentic flavors.

mr sushi success story

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Off to a Great Start in Online Food Ordering with GloriaFood

After gaining a solid reputation for their amazing dine-in service, the owner Kylie U., decided to optimize their business flows and costs by taking online orders with GloriaFood.

One of the main reasons for us setting it up back in 2018 (which is well and truly prior to COVID when there was more push for this), was that I wanted to alleviate the amount of phone calls that we were receiving and therefore the man power cost it was using to take these phone calls. I wanted a system that was going to be cost effective and also help eliminate potential mistakes when taking phone orders as many of my staff are not native English speakers.

mr sushi success story

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5 years and over 17,000 orders later, they appreciate the features that help them run their everyday business, from the flexibility of the order-taking app to the ease of setting up the menu:

Initially when I set the system up, I did spend some time introducing/selling it to my customers as an easier way to order for them. As the restaurant has progressively gotten busier, the system has been a huge advantage. On some of our busiest days, we can take 25% of our in-store orders via the GloriaFood app. After the initial setup, I have found the system to be relatively maintenance free.

GloriaFood Online Ordering Review

Once set up, the GloriaFood system empowers restaurateurs to accept unlimited orders without commissions but with plenty of useful features you won’t find in many other similar systems, as Kylie, the restaurant owner, says:

I am very happy with the GloriaFood service. We have been using the system without issue for 5 years. I often recommend the system to other restaurants; I believe that the system is excellent value. The fact that it is commission free is a big advantage and that it is very easy to use both from a customer standpoint and for us to set up.

One of the other things I really like about your system is that we have the option to look at an order when it comes in and adjust the time based on the size of the order and knowing what is in the kitchen at the time. Many other systems do not allow you to do this. Your other advantage is that you offer the customer the ability to leave special instructions on the item level.

Adapting to New Challenges with the Help of Premium Features

After 3 years with GloriaFood, COVID happened, and a new challenge faced Mr Sushi – contactless payments were needed to continue taking online orders.

Therefore, Kylie decided to subscribe to the Online Payment service and enable a smooth payment collection.

With COVID, we started taking Online Payments. Whilst we still have a lot of people who choose to pay in-store, it is very advantageous to have the orders pre-paid for. Especially when customers are placing large orders in advance.

If you want to learn how to get started with Online Payment too, check out the video tutorial below:

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Forging Customer Loyalty for Long-Term Business Success

Taking online orders through GloriaFood has greatly helped Mr Sushi’s owner run the business with more ease and flexibility.

This, along with their delicious food and great service, is reflected in the constant stream of returning food clients on their website and the overwhelming percentage of these, compared to new ones:

mr sushi success story

If you’re interested in learning how to increase customer retention at your restaurant, here’s a step-by-step tutorial:

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photo of GloriaFood blog writer Laura-Andreea Voicu
Laura-Andreea Voicu

Laura-Andreea Voicu is an experienced content writer with a knack for marketing and SEO. She creates guides and resources designed to help restaurants grow their presence online and boost sales.

She has been featured on the Oracle Food and Beverage Blog and wrote for Search Engine Journal, Clutch, Sender, Venngage, Quickbooks, and many more.

Find me on LinkedIn.

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