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Black Friday Restaurant Deals: Attract More Customers with Cost-Effective Promotions

black friday restaurant deals

Black Friday is just around the corner, and people have already started hunting for deals. While there was a fixed date at the beginning and only shopping stores participated, now every place that sells something chooses a day or a period in November to offer big promotions.

Taking part in Black Friday is a great way to increase your restaurant’s visibility, attract new customers, and gain loyal clients. Why not join the deals-giving?

In this article, you will find plenty of Black Friday restaurant deals and ideas you can implement to benefit your business.

3 ideas for Black Friday restaurant specials

Many restaurants will participate in Black Friday, so you must find ways to stand out from other offers to encourage people to choose your place. Aside from classic promotions, how about you create some Black Friday restaurant specials only available for the week?

Hype the new offers on your website and social media so you create FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) for people who cannot order your specials in the availability window. Here are a few ideas you can try:

Sometimes we browse a menu and can’t decide what to order because everything looks delicious. We are sure people have this problem when deciding what to order from your restaurant, so why not help them out?

Add a menu item titled “Taste our menu”, which is practically a tasting menu with all your best-selling dishes. Make the portions smaller than the normal ones, so you can sell them for a reduced price yet still make a profit.

Don’t worry about the cost of updating your restaurant menu. If you use our online ordering system, you can add a new menu item in seconds for no added cost. Watch this video to learn how easy it is:

To make this tasting menu offer available for dine-in clients, you will need a QR-code restaurant menu. Clients can just scan the code as soon as they are seated and take advantage of your Black Friday restaurant deals.

The good news is our online ordering system will generate a personalized QR code for your menu for free. This video will show you to create the code in seconds:

2. Sweeten your day

Why have one sweet when you could enjoy a variety of flavors? If you work in a restaurant, you know how hard it is for clients to decide what to have for dessert when they all sound good.

Take away the struggle by offering a menu item with sampling sizes from all the desserts. You can name it “Sweeten your Black Friday” to highlight it is a time-sensitive deal. Thanks to this combo, you may gain some loyal clients who discovered their new favorite dessert.

3. Side-dish galore

When people decide on what side dish to order from the restaurant, they may crave more options – wedges do go great with a fresh salad – but they limit themselves so as not to spend a big sum of money.

Imagine how happy they would be if they could order two or three side dishes for the price of one. Create some side-dish combos that go well together, make the portions smaller, and allow clients to live their best deal-seizing life!

6 Black Friday restaurant promotions you must try

Offering promotions for Black Friday is a must, but it should not be an added stress for you. Whatever your strategy is, adding promotions to your online restaurant menu is extremely easy with our online ordering system.

All you must do is go to admin -> Marketing -> Promotions -> Self-made promos and choose one or more of the tried-and-tested promotion templates available for you. You can customize the name, image, and availability details.

Implement Black Friday restaurant deals in minutes Install an online ordering system with a powerful promotions engine

Check out this video to learn how to set up any promotion in just a few minutes:

There are several ways you could organize your Black Friday promotions. Here are a few ideas for inspiration:

Start attracting new customers by enabling these classic promotions that never fail:

Read more: 15 Unique Restaurant Promotion Ideas that Will Increase Loyalty in 2022

How to create Black Friday restaurant vouchers

Black Friday isn’t just an opportunity to increase sales for a day or a week. It is a chance to increase your visibility and make your restaurant known to as many new people as possible, with the goal of having them return to your restaurant after Black Friday ends.

If you have a new continuous stream of clients after Black Friday, you can consider it a win! Promotions and specials attract the clients, but they keep coming back for the delicious food and great ordering experience.

A great way to encourage people to become loyal clients is to include a voucher in every order placed on Black Friday. You can either add a flyer with the coupon code in the order or send a thank you email where you insert the code.

A good idea for a Black Friday restaurant voucher would be a 5% off their next order. But how do you create a discount coupon code for your clients? Easy, with our help!

Check out this video that teaches all you need to know about setting up coupon codes with our online ordering system:

3 Black Friday restaurant ideas for dine-in

The bulk of your Black Friday restaurant sales will surely be online as you only have a limited number of tables in the restaurant. But there is no reason they shouldn’t be full all day or the whole week you decide to offer great deals.

Here are some Black Friday restaurant ideas that will help bring people into your restaurant:

Create a great Black Friday experience for your clients Install an online ordering system to your website for free

 3 Black Friday food delivery deals to offer your clients

If you want to increase your sales on this occasion, you must focus on creating hard to say no-to Black Friday takeaway deals. Here are some ideas you can implement to guarantee you will make a profit on the most expected day for shopping:


Black Friday is a great opportunity to attract more customers and increase your restaurant’s sales. Choose the time period you want to offer Black Friday restaurant promotions and take advantage of our online ordering system to make everything simple and fun for both you and your clients.

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