Promocijski Mehanizam Restorana
Za Online Naručivanje

The best marketing tools for restaurants that want to boost online sales

Promocijski modul potpuno integriran s online naručivanjem

Naš besplatni online sustav naručivanja uključuje ugrađeni promocijski modul restorana tako da možeš nuditi poticaje za nove ili mušterije koje se vraćaju.

Pojavit će se kao banneri na vrhu tvog online menija restorana, kako bi ga mušterije lakše pronašle i postavile narudžbu.

  • Encourage first orders with the Kick-starter Module
  • Attract more customers to your restaurant with the Promotions Module
  • Keep clients coming back with the Advanced Promo Engine
  • Automate your e-mail marketing campaigns with Autopilot

Let’s see how!

Promocijski mehanizam za online narudžbe restorana

Intuitivni editor promocija

Napravili smo jukebox s najboljim promocijama koje uvijek funkcioniraju.

Odaberi jednu kao svoj predložak, a zatim jednostavno konfiguriraj sve, od slike i teksta do raspoređivanja i kodova kupona.

Send the code to regulars via e-mail or SMS to let them know your restaurant is now taking online orders. And the best part? You can easily automate the process using our system.

Pametni targeting
i segmentacija

Jedna veličina ne odgovara svima tako da smo omogućili ciljanje korisnika na temelju njihovog ponašanja - prvi kupci, dugogodišnji obični korisnici ili možda klijenti koji su naručili putem određenog prodajnog kanala.

Čak možeš izraditi upsell strategije za povećanje prosječne vrijednosti narudžbe.

See demoArrow

Izvještaj u stvarnom
vremenu za provjeru rezultata

Pogledaj koje promocije najbolje djeluju i gdje ih možeš poboljšati - sve direktno s vizualnog modula za izvještaj.

Budi u toku sa statistikama u stvarnom vremenu za uvid koje promocije su najbolje djelovale. Koristi heatmap dostave i izvješća o mušterijama za donošenje informiranih poslovnih odluka.

  • Set fulfillment time: enable the promotion only on specific days and times of the week (e.g., Happy Hour on weekends);
  • Promo highlight: upsell menu items by highlighting them when they’re eligible for a promotion;
  • Client previous purchases: reward customers based on the number of times they’ve ordered from you in the past, their total order amount, or last order.

Restaurant marketing automation: Make money 24/7 with the Autopilot Module

The purpose of restaurant marketing software is to make your life easier. That is precisely what our Autopilot module does.

Set up your e-mail campaigns once and they will run on autopilot to help you:

  • Encourage second orders
  • Re-engage old customers
  • Prevent cart abandonment

Monitor your restaurant marketing campaigns with the Reporting Module

Now that your promotions are up and running, all that’s left for you to do is sit back and watch them perform.

Detailed performance data is available at your fingertips in our built-in Reporting Module.

See what promotions work best and where you can improve, thanks to the detailed real-time restaurant analytics.

monitor your online restaurant promotions with a restaurant marketing platform with a built-in reporting module